
Repairing a Super Magicom

Category: Console modifications — Eivind @ 19:33

It has been a very long time since i did a post now. I’ve been so occupied by school that i have had no time to do anything that i really wanted to do.. but anyway.

some tiny words about the super magicom. Back in the 90s when the super nintendo / super famicom came to market. Our friends in China, Hong Kong were amongst the biggest software pirates on home consoles (and still are, more or less). There were made a HUGE amount of different units to do this, also known as backup units. I collect these, and have MANY in my collection. Just recently i got a Super Magicom. For those of you who download snes roms from the net, you’ll always see a .SMC extension, yes, this is because they were usually dumped with this unit (it could even dump the special games using FX/SFX chip and so on).

BUT, the effen seller that sold me this unit had not tried it, and guess what, the litium battery inside had leaked and damaged a lot of the PCB. So, i had to be inventive and do something about it. this is the result!

first, battery leak on one side:


most of the area from above


Happily the acid had only damaged the ground line, so without a new battery, i re-wired it like this:



and restultzzzzzzz

This is how it looks like all assembled back together:




GeoHot speaking at Nuit Du Hack

Category: Console modifications — Eivind @ 22:36

The PS3 has been considered unbreakable for 3 years, during which it has not been affected by piracy. On January 23th 2010, and after 5 weeks of research, George Hotz claimed on his blog: “I have read/write access to the entire system memory, and HV level access to the processor. In other words, I have hacked the PS3.”

And as a result, gehot is describing the hack in detail at Nuit Du Hack!





As many know, im working for gahtering up our old and forgotten demos from the good ol’ 90s

Category: retro fun! — Eivind @ 20:15

This is my small setup and how it looks like, Running p200mHZ MMX computer with a gravis ultrasound 1MB sound card. The video signals come through a very cheap (acually the ONLY one I could find at a ok price), then connected to a pinnacle pctv deluxe mpeg2 hardware encoder.. anyway, some vids




And as a result of these methods, here is an example from a great Norwegian group called INF with their 64kb intro Mainstream


Wiikey Fusion Shipping This Week!

Category: Console modifications — Eivind @ 14:13

BIG NEWS from wiikey.cn !!!

After an admittedly long delay, Wiikey Fusion will begin shipping this week, so our distributors will begin to receive stock as of early next week. Please be patient when dealing with your point of sale — Wiikey Fusion sales have been astronomically high, so each distributor will have a lot of backorders to deal with.

The Wiikey Fusion card will be supplied with a sleek case, which can be seen on the front page of wiikey.cn

The main reason for the delay in releasing Wiikey Fusion has been due to the perfecting of some great additional features, most notably WBFS and the “softcore” system. Having a softcore means that the only part of the chip that could ever possibly need a JTAG update is a very small portion of initial FPGA code. Everything else (the majority of the code) is in the softcore, which can be updated by SD card.

We’d like to thank everyone for their patience and support while Wiikey Fusion was perfected. We hope that you will enjoy it!


Some pictures from a x360 drive mod with tx liteon extention

Category: Console modifications — Eivind @ 23:53


Quick RRoD fix and Firmware hack on a xbox 360

Category: Console modifications — Eivind @ 13:57

Hello everyone, this will be just a short summary of a RROD fix i just did, some pictures of the motherboard and the heat sinks, before and after cleaning, enjoy!

This first picture is the top side of the 360 moderboard, with uncleaned cpu and gpu, loads of dry cooling paste.

Here we have the cleaned board, i used white spirit to clean the GPU,  CPU and their heat sinks

here we got the unclean heat sinks

and at last, the clean heat sinks

a very fun project actually, worked quite well!


Doin some test runs with premiere one friday night

Category: video projects — Eivind @ 22:34

Please don’t get alarmed, I only did it in 20 minutes, and is HUGELY inspired by david lynch. Most of the clips were done during the morning hours when i went to school, to make a video called “wide awake”, cause i had to get up around 05.30AM every day for two months, and the first clip is a friend of mine holding a totoro doll above her head! :)

[videojs preload=”auto” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” width=”640″ height=”480″ mp4=”http://dobrajazz.com/wp/wp-content/video/640/intro_2.mp4″ ogg=”http://dobrajazz.com/wp/wp-content/video/640/intro_2.ogg” poster=”http://dobrajazz.com/wp/wp-content/video/640/intro_2.jpg”]


Saturday evening, using my old dos machine to run 90s demos on my plasma tv

Category: retro fun! — Eivind @ 19:03

All the hardware used is ORIGINAL like it was back in 1998, when this machine was put to rest. It is a p200 mhz (without the pentium bug that managed to crash all pascal demos using the crt unit! at the moment it uses a gravis ultrasound classic with 1MB of ram!

you can all see my rips on https://www.youtube.com/babayaga26

Funny cause i have never used it on a tellie before, only for capturing them with a video card! :)

This is the first picture, how it looks inside

inside dosbox

Some of the pictures of the setup, soooooo many cables! :(

connections to the video device and converter for tv-signals

And here is what it looks like in action, playing the demo Wired invitation intro done by Haujobb many years ago ! :))

[videojs preload=”auto” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” width=”640″ height=”480″ mp4=”http://dobrajazz.com/wp/wp-content/video/640/DSCF0162.mp4″ ogg=”http://dobrajazz.com/wp/wp-content/video/640/DSCF0162.ogg” poster=”http://dobrajazz.com/wp/wp-content/video/640/DSCF0162.jpg”]

[videojs preload=”auto” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” width=”640″ height=”480″ mp4=”http://dobrajazz.com/wp/wp-content/video/640/DSCF0163.mp4″ ogg=”http://dobrajazz.com/wp/wp-content/video/640/DSCF0163.ogg” poster=”http://dobrajazz.com/wp/wp-content/video/640/DSCF0163.jpg”]

[videojs preload=”auto” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” width=”640″ height=”480″ mp4=”http://dobrajazz.com/wp/wp-content/video/640/DSCF0164.mp4″ ogg=”http://dobrajazz.com/wp/wp-content/video/640/DSCF0164.ogg” poster=”http://dobrajazz.com/wp/wp-content/video/640/DSCF0164.jpg”]


Xbox 360 Modification part 2 – LiteOn drive!

Category: Console modifications — Eivind @ 23:48

Okidoki, the modification is done!

Today i picked up a bunch of LT switches for the new LiteOn drives:

LiteOn Switches

This is how my hardware is setup, Ck3Pro, Via 6412, and so on


Backside of the drive in the works


HEX data output from the drive before firmware patching


and here we are, video proof of completed modification (yes, i own the original disc i’m using, its just a backup…tam ti tam)

[videojs preload=”auto” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” width=”640″ height=”480″ mp4=”http://dobrajazz.com/wp/wp-content/video/640/DSCF0155_agk.mp4″ ogg=”http://dobrajazz.com/wp/wp-content/video/640/DSCF0155_agk.ogg” poster=”http://dobrajazz.com/wp/wp-content/video/640/DSCF0155_agk.jpg”]

Send me any messages concerning this


George Hotz hacks the PS3 and releases source code!

Category: Console modifications — Eivind @ 19:07

Today is a good day to be a console “hacker”. The great geohot (aka George Hotz) have done the one thing noone else has managed todo the last 3 years, get full memory space access and therefore ring 0 access from OtherOS. He has released the source code for the exploit for all to see.

PCB instructions

I hope in the following weeks we will see some development on the ps3 front and maybe someone finally can manage to do an entire dump of the hypervisor!!!!!! =)