Very quick beginning, i’ve just disassembled the xbox, this will be my first attempt on the new liteOn drives, gonna use the newly released iXtreme Lite Touch (LT) released by C4E

Have just ordered a batch of team xecuters liteon LT switches for easier firmware dump and flashing, CANT WAIT!!!!!
So, it’s been four extreme months with school and almost no internet and no soldering iron?! yes, that’s right. Today a friend of mine sent me a link to a very, well, good or not, a funny music video for all of us that enjoys playing mega man 2!!
I’m not into this kind of music, but irritatingly addictive :)
– cPix
So I’m back! Today i went to my parents home and got a few parts for a famicom mod i’m working on, and in the basement i found my very cool Sony MDP 650D-player! Though, i am using a very very good player in my media shelf, though this one is quite unique, it plays both pal and ntsc in RGB!
My main player does not support PAL (as it is a american ld player), but anyway, back to the fix.
The first thought that came to mind was a broken rubber band,the player made a big squeeky sound, though it did work like 1 of 10 times,
[videojs preload=”auto” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” width=”640″ height=”480″ mp4=”″ ogg=”” poster=””]
so, i opened it up

Now, in the lower right corner, there is a rubber band, used to pull the deck back and forth, AND to lift the drive it self, SO the rubber band managed to pull the deck in and out, but not lift the drive, so i was for some time a bit unsure if THAT was the issue, the band from the player
As most of you know, these rubber bands get dry and stiff as times go on, and i could not make a new circle out of it, so what i did was finding a VERY old walkman cassette player,
as you can see, there are no more rubber bands in the player, but the rubber band it self, was quite long, so i twisted it and made a more tight circle, which i attached in my laserdisc player.
[videojs preload=”auto” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” width=”640″ height=”480″ mp4=”″ ogg=”” poster=””]
Huhu! =)
‘ello people! This is my first post for the domain, I’ll start up with a easy modification of the z64, which i should have done years ago, but took me the 2 minutes of work tonight :)
The unit,

FACT: The z64 hardware revision 3.0 have one major fault; over heating! Thanks to the schweino at dextrose, this issue was resolved by a simple and nifty hack of the motherboard. Shorting leg B and E on the transistor Q3, and scratching off some of the surface on the trace, attaching that to the diode you can see in the picture.
The un-modded board,

And after the modification is complete,

You can “easily” see the tiny red wire, but due to my sucky sucky camera, i cant get a close up shot of the board (DAMN THOSE SMALL CAMS!!!!)
And everything boots up nicely!

Pretty small modification, but its my first blog post and please contact me for any information about it, if needed!