Okidoki, the modification is done!
Today i picked up a bunch of LT switches for the new LiteOn drives:
This is how my hardware is setup, Ck3Pro, Via 6412, and so on
Backside of the drive in the works
HEX data output from the drive before firmware patching
and here we are, video proof of completed modification (yes, i own the original disc i’m using, its just a backup…tam ti tam)
[videojs preload=”auto” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” width=”640″ height=”480″ mp4=”http://dobrajazz.com/wp/wp-content/video/640/DSCF0155_agk.mp4″ ogg=”http://dobrajazz.com/wp/wp-content/video/640/DSCF0155_agk.ogg” poster=”http://dobrajazz.com/wp/wp-content/video/640/DSCF0155_agk.jpg”]
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